OCC Masthead
When: First Tuesday of Every Month
6:30pm to 8:30 pm
Where: MLK First Responder Center Community Center Click for Map


July -- Competition Entry Due Date: Sunday, June 23, 2024 - Topic: Back light
Club Meeting: Tuesday, July 2, 2024
August -- Competition Entry Due Date: Sunday, July 28, 2024 - Topic: Surrealism
Club Meeting: Tuesday, August 6, 2024


ID: 52 | Author: admin | Posted: 11/27/2013 Updated: 2/7/2023 | Never Expires

Ocala Camera Club Bylaws Amended 2015

Job Descriptions for OCC Directors


Expedite the Ocala Camera Club’s Mission Statement.

The president shall preside at Board meetings. 

The president shall prepare an agenda to the Board meetings.  The president may, due to lack of availability of the officers, choose to reschedule the meeting date and/or time for any individual meeting.

The president shall preside over the regular monthly meeting, or shall designate another officer to preside.

The president, the vice president and the treasurer shall be authorized signers on the club’s bank accounts.  Checks and withdrawals over $200.00 shall require two signatures. 

The president will take responsibility for maintaining the Club’s back account and financial records should the position of the treasurer become vacant.  He will perform this duty until a willing and qualified candidate is appointed by the board of directors. 

Vice President 

The vice president shall assume the duties of the president when the president is not available to fulfill his or her duties.


I handle all the club finances and business matters, bank accounts, state, federal, tax and corporate matters. Final approval on all expenditures.


The secretary shall record minutes from each board meeting and each club business meeting.  These minutes shall include details of any voting done by the board or the club.  These minutes shall be retained in the Board of Directors files.

Director of Field Trips 

The job is to schedule photography field trips for the club. They can be monthly, quarterly, etc.  It's up to the person planning. The trips get posted under events, and Facebook. About a week before the trip a reminder is sent out.

Director of Judges 

Responsibility finding and assigning judges for the competitions each month. 

Contact the judges based on prior feedback (that were acceptable to the club) and see if they are interested in judging for the upcoming year.

Contact the judge and make sure we have the proper mailing address for them to give an update to the webmaster to issue the final check.

Provide the competition director: Judge Name Address and email prior to opening the next competition.

Provide our judging criteria to each judge that is interested in judging.

Once they have committed to a month, contact them a week before the competition begins to make sure they are still available and that the understand our criteria.

Once competition closes and the email goes out from the webmaster with the judging link and password, Contact the judge to make sure they received the link and are able to access it.

Keep a running chart/table of feedback from the club on each judge for the upcoming year's competitions.

Keep officers of the club updated at all times on any judging issues.

Attend officers meetings if possible.

Member Services Director

Send an email on behalf of the club to welcome new members and provide information regarding the competition criteria.

Be a resource to provide information and answer member questions.

Provide name tags and introduce new members and visitors at club meetings.

Administer the official OCC Facebook group and post a link to each month’s competition winners.

Competition Director and ribbon coordinator  

  Competition Director:

  1.  Make sure a screen, a projector, and a laptop computer system are available to show the digital images.
  2. Upload the digital entries to the laptop for monthly judging meetings.
  3. Run the competition images for club review of judge’s comments.
  4. Announce winners.
  5. Attend each meeting.

  Ribbon coordinator:

  1. Run software interface for printing labels for ribbons.
  2. Assign ribbons to number of entries rules.
  3. Print stickers and apply to appropriate ribbon colors.
  4. Hand our ribbons as called for competition.
  5. Maintain ribbon inventory and toner for printer
  6. Attend each meeting.


Florida Camera Club Representative (FCCC) Representative 

  Have knowledge of Digital Competitions

            Rules and Regulations

            There are three (3) Triannual competitions per year

            Competition Classes-Beginner and Advanced

            Four Categories-Color (open), Mono, Creative and Documentary

            Entry Fees-Allows to upload four (4) images per competition

            Submissions of Entries

            Number of Entries Per Competition-(4)

            Eligibility-Good standing with Ocala Camera Club

            Approval Process-That you are member of the Ocala Camera Club

            Send e-mail when the competition is coming up

When the competition is complete the ribbons are sent to the club  

Send e-mail out to the members that won ribbons

At the meeting hand out the ribbons to the winners

Get out information about The Annual Photography Conference

            Pass out brochure about the conference

            Conference Schedule

            Tell about the Speakers

            Buy tickets

            Workshops both onsite and off campus

            Tell about all the Dining options

            Sponsors and Trade Show vendors

            Hotel Accommodations

            Directions on how to get to Florida Gulf Coast University

FCCC dues should go to the Ocala Camera Treasurer

            Club Membership is $70.00 per year

            If the club representative gets the bill, forward it to the Treasurer


Photo Resources

Digital Photography School - Online articles


The Digital Photography School is a great resource for all things photography related. They have articles written by experts on an extremely wide range of photography topics. This is often a great place to start when you are learning something new.

Light Stalking - Online articles


Light Stalking is similar to the Digital photography school with articles written by experts about photography. Their blog is a wonderful resource and covers things you may not have thought about yet.

Phlearn - Online Tutorials


Phlearn creates free as well as pay for photography & photoshop tutorials. If you need help with anything photoshop, Phlearn is the place to start.

Creative Live - Online Classes


Creative Live is a video-based learning platform based in Seattle. Their live classes are free, as are the re-broadcasts. The classes are often extremely informative and have extra downloadable material to help you learn.

Kelby One - Online Classes


Kelby One is very similar to Creative Live, except that you pay for membership and then have access to all of their classes / videos.