OCC Masthead
When: First Tuesday of Every Month
6:30pm to 8:30 pm
Where: MLK First Responder Center Community Center Click for Map


July -- Competition Entry Due Date: Sunday, June 23, 2024 - Topic: Back light
Club Meeting: Tuesday, July 2, 2024
August -- Competition Entry Due Date: Sunday, July 28, 2024 - Topic: Surrealism
Club Meeting: Tuesday, August 6, 2024


ID: 77 | Author: admin | Posted: 11/8/2017 Updated: 12/6/2022 | Never Expires


The Official Results of the Ocala Camera Club Nominations Meeting of November 2022.  All positions were open for nominations and there were no opposed positions so these are election results for the 2022 Board of Directors.






Vice President……………………………..Open

Treasurer……………………………………Al Sanowskis

Secretary…………………………………….Frank Long





Field Trips……………………………………Open

Competitions ...........................………….Al Sanowskis

Judges…………………………………………..Alan Guenther

FCCC Rep……………..………………………Tom Murray

Member Svs………………………………….Bill Down

Education……………………………………..Steven Burgess

Webmaster…………………………………...Al Sanowskis

Director Emeritus………………………….Frank Flynn



Recent minutes from Board meetings-
